iSky Films - Aerial Photography

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Commercial Real Estate Drone Photography

You need to have a natural eye for photography, a high-quality drone, and a lot of experience using all three of these things together in order to make excellent marketing images for commercial real estate. Continue reading if you meet these prerequisites but do not have a great deal of experience working on commercial real estate projects. Continue reading if, on the other hand, you are an expert who is looking for verification of your level of knowledge and skill.

Don't Just Stick to the Shot List

This blog will not only provide a list of probable shooting locations as its goal; rather, it will expand on that topic. I want to help photographers get a more comprehensive understanding of the project that is currently being worked on. It is essential to keep in mind that no two pieces of real estate are identical. Various clients necessitate various tactics. On the other hand, if you devote some of your time to learning about the specific requirements of your commercial real estate customer, you will be in a better position to deal with any difficulties that may arise.

The Basics

It is essential to keep in mind that the goal of any project involving commercial real estate, or "mission," is the same as it is in any other industry: to fulfill the requirements of the customer. What's the big deal with commercial real estate brokers, anyway? ensuring that consumers are satisfied, successfully selling real estate, and obtaining the highest possible price for your listings. Brokers, just like you and most other individuals, want to provide excellent service to their clients while simultaneously growing their revenue. Find out the specific requirements of the client, then satisfy those requirements in a flawless manner.

There is a significant difference between commercial and residential real estate

This point cannot be emphasized enough on my part. The majority of drone pilots have more experience with residential real estate because it is closer to home. Although commercial and residential real estate share many similarities, there are also important distinctions between the two that must be understood in order to be successful.

Location, location, location is one of the most crucial aspects of any property, regardless of kind. However, the definition of "excellent location" varies across residential and commercial properties. Peace and tranquility amidst a forest setting with stunning mountains in the distance. An oasis-like getaway…sounds great if you are a home buyer.

To open a new shop concept costs millions of dollars. A real estate agent marketing a home at a busy junction, for instance, may wish to downplay the property's proximity to the intersection in order to attract buyers. It's possible, nevertheless, that the commercial real estate market values the property most for its proximity to the intersection itself.


There. Right now, I have my hand on the keyboard. The expression has become so worn out that it gives me a headache just to type it down and post it online. When taking photographs of a house for advertising purposes, it is common practice to disregard this adage, despite the fact that it is widely known. When establishing the value of a property and the level of interest that may be shown in purchasing it, one of the most significant factors to take into account is its location.

If you need to take pictures of a grocery store that is located next to a Lowe's, don't only concentrate on the grocery store; make sure to get some shots of the Lowe's as well! Even though the exterior of a Lowe's store is something that practically everyone and their mother is familiar with, overhead images provide a substantial value in the form of context. Are we talking about a house that is located a few tens or hundreds of yards away from a major highway interchange? Is there a Best Western hotel in the neighborhood? Can you tell me whether or not the parking lot is completely occupied? Please give me permission to have a look.

Keeping Current: Maintaining an Edge

Customers benefit greatly from having access to up-to-date photographs of the products they purchase. Retail may be the only viable choice for a new business because of the ludicrous zoning requirements that often exist. However, even in the absence of such rules, there is a valid explanation for the concentration of stores. This rationale is the desire to maximize profits. Are you looking for a Walgreens store? Help! Please provide me with directions to the nearest CVS. If you are working as a photographer on a commercial real estate project, you will have the opportunity to snap photographs of the neighbors who may be encountered by prospective buyers.

Drone photography is a recent innovation. Aerial photography is not

Agents in the commercial real estate industry have been making use of aerial photography for quite some time now. Drones have replaced airplanes and helicopters as the major means of accomplishing this. Taking aerial shots of a storefront's exterior, with all its curves and nooks, is no easy task, but photographers were reportedly paid thousands of dollars for their efforts.

Why? Because aerial photographs can provide prospective tenants or investors a sense of the surrounding environment. Your goal should be to give your customers as many options as possible.

The List 

Stir It

Include photographs that were taken at different heights, distances, and in a number of different directions. For the purposes of CRE, you need to capture photographs from all angles. Taking photos in each of the four cardinal directions is a part of this activity. It is advised that views from the northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest be included in the presentation.

Take images of the structure from a variety of different perspectives all around it. Take images that show the property in its natural setting as much as possible. Use the intelligent flight technology provided by DJI at all times to ensure that your films contain at least one point-of-interest lap. This technique also works quite well for taking still photographs. If you want to capture a good image of the entire property, you need to make sure that you are far enough away and that you are standing at a sufficient height.

Show the Horizon 

You don't have to include the horizon in every shot, but the top 20-25% of the frame should always be the horizon. This will result in photographs that are both aesthetically pleasing and contextually sound.

Have It All

Make sure the full mall or office complex is in the frame. You wouldn't give someone a shoot of your house without also giving them a shot of the complete house, not just the garage, roof, etc. It will require going up and out for larger properties.

Collecting multiple overlapping photos to stitch into an orthomosaic or panorama may be necessary for extremely large sites such as shopping malls or apartment developments.

Sunlight Consideration

Take into account the nature of the business you are photographing, then consult Google Maps to ascertain the direction in which the subject property faces. The best time to shoot exterior shots is when the sun is directly hitting the facade. If there will be harsh shadows that can't be fixed in post-production, don't shoot them.

Commercial Real Estate Drone Photography Services

Aerial Photos

Create breathtaking content to show future prospects

Interior Photos

With any aerial photo package, we can provide a comprehensive ground photo shoot of your property, exterior, interior, day or night.

Drone Video

Aerial drone videography can provide a fresh perspective to your marketing collateral. No matter the size of the property, our drone pilots will help you capture the perfect footage!


Get a better overview of the site to make a more informed decision backed by visual data. Drones also allow for an extremely safe building inspection all around by eliminating the risks of an employee having to get on the roof.

Book the above services HERE!

What are the benefits of using drone photography in commercial real estate?

Drones can survey potential sites and conduct inspections quickly, increasing the efficiency of site selection, inspections, regular maintenance and more. 

They make conducting inspections themselves safer, as they eliminate or reduce the need for someone to climb up onto roofs and other tall structures to perform them.

They are also becoming increasingly affordable, making them a cost-effective option for more companies.

High definition aerial photographs are being used to develop baseline assessments of the quality and condition of properties. This is extremely useful in insurance claims and tax assessments.